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Order Structures

typestringAll to cancel all orders; Pair to cancel all orders for specific coin pairs; Coin to cancel all orders for a specific coin
dataobjectadditional data the cancel condition; present with Pair and Coin types
data.basestringbase coin of the pair; Pair type only
data.relstringrel coin of the pair; Pair type only
data.tickerstringorder is cancelled if it uses ticker as base or rel; Coin type only

base_confsnumberNumber of required confirmations on the base coin's blockchain for a transaction to complete an atomic swap event.
base_notaboolWhether dPoW notarization is required on the base coin's blockchain for a transaction to complete an atomic swap event.
rel_confsnumberNumber of required confirmations on the rel coin's blockchain for a transaction to complete an atomic swap event.
rel_notaboolWhether dPoW notarization is required on the rel coin's blockchain for a transaction to complete an atomic swap event.

typestringThere are two types from which to choose: GoodTillCancelled and FillOrKill. The GoodTillCancelled order is automatically converted to a maker order if the order is not matched in 30 seconds, and this maker order stays in the orderbook until explicitly cancelled. On the other hand, a FillOrKill order is cancelled if it is not matched within 30 seconds. The default type is GoodTillCancelled

coinstringthe ticker of the coin
addressstringthe address offering the trade
pricestring (decimal)the price the user is willing to buy or sell per one unit of the coin from request
price_ratrationalthe price represented as a standard RationalValue object.
price_fractionobjectthe price represented as a standard FractionalValue object.
maxvolumestring (decimal)the maximum amount of base the offer provider is willing to sell
max_volume_ratrationalthe max volume represented as a standard RationalValue object.
max_volume_fractionobjectthe max volume represented as a standard FractionalValue object.
min_volumestring (decimal)the minimum amount of base coin the offer provider is willing to sell
min_volume_ratrationalthe min volume represented as a standard RationalValue object.
min_volume_fractionobjectthe min volume represented as a standard FractionalValue object.
pubkeystringthe pubkey of the offer provider
agenumberthe age of the offer (in seconds)
zcreditsnumberthe zeroconf deposit amount (deprecated)
netidnumberthe id of the network on which the request is made (default is 0)
uuidstringthe uuid of order
is_mineboolwhether the order is placed by me
base_max_volumestring (decimal)the maximum amount of base coin the offer provider is willing to buy or sell
base_max_volume_ratrationalthe base_max_volume represented as a standard RationalValue object.
base_max_volume_fractionobjectthe base_max_volume represented as a standard FractionalValue object.
base_min_volumestring (decimal)the minimum amount of base coin the offer provider is willing to buy or sell
base_min_volume_ratrationalthe base_min_volume represented as a standard RationalValue object.
base_min_volume_fractionobjectthe base_min_volume represented as a standard FractionalValue object.
base_confsnumberthe confirmations settings of base coin set by the offer provider
base_notaboolthe notarisation settings of base coin set by the offer provider
rel_max_volumestring (decimal)the maximum amount of rel coin the offer provider is willing to buy or sell
rel_max_volume_ratrationalthe rel_max_volume max volume represented as a standard RationalValue object.
rel_max_volume_fractionobjectthe rel_max_volume max volume represented as a standard FractionalValue object.
rel_min_volumestring (decimal)the minimum amount of rel coin the offer provider is willing to buy or sell
rel_min_volume_ratrationalthe rel_min_volume represented as a standard RationalValue object.
rel_min_volume_fractionobjectthe rel_min_volume represented as a standard FractionalValue object.
rel_confsnumberthe confirmations settings of rel coin set by the offer provider
rel_notaboolthe notarisation settings of rel coin set by the offer provider
original_tickerslist (string)Tickers included in response when orderbook_ticker is configured for the queried coin in coins file

typestringAny to match with any other order; Orders to select specific uuids; Pubkeys to select specific nodes; default is Any
dataarray of stringsA list of order uuids (to match for Orders type) or pubkeys of nodes (to match for Pubkeys type)