latest contributor to this doc

Last Edit: @gcharang ,


The trade_preimage method returns the approximate fee amounts that are paid per the whole swap. Depending on the parameters, the function returns different results:

  • If the swap_method is buy or sell, then the result will include the taker_fee and the fee_to_send_taker_fee. The taker_fee amount is paid from the base coin balance if the swap_method is sell, else it is paid from the rel coin balance;
  • If the max field is true, then the result will include the volume.

This method can be used instead of max_taker_vol, if the max field is true and the swap_method is buy or sell. Use the resulting volume as an argument of the buy or sell requests.

Use the trade_preimage request with max = true and swap_method = "setprice" arguments to approximate the fee amounts only. Do not use the resulting volume as an argument of the setprice.

basestringthe base currency of the request
relstringthe rel currency of the request
swap_methodstringthe name of the method whose preimage is requested. Possible values: buy, sell, setprice
pricenumeric string or rationalthe price in rel the user is willing to pay per one unit of the base coin
volumenumeric string or rational (optional)the amount the user is willing to trade; ignored if max = true and swap_method = setprice, otherwise, it must be set
maxbool (optional)whether to return the maximum available volume for setprice method; must not be set or false if swap_method is buy or sell

resultobjectan object containing the relevant information
result.base_coin_feeobject (ExtendedFeeInfo)the approximate miner fee is paid per the whole swap concerning the base coin
result.rel_coin_feeobject (ExtendedFeeInfo)the approximate miner fee is paid per the whole swap concerning the rel coin
result.volumestring (numeric, optional)the max available volume that can be traded (in decimal representation); empty if the max argument is missing or false
result.volume_ratrational (optional)the max available volume that can be traded (in rational representation); empty if the max argument is missing or false
result.volume_fractionfraction (optional)the max available volume that can be traded (in fraction representation); empty if the max argument is missing or false
result.taker_feeobject (optional, ExtendedFeeInfo)the dex fee to be paid by Taker; empty if swap_method is setprice
result.fee_to_send_taker_feeobject (optional, ExtendedFeeInfo)the approximate miner fee is paid to send the dex fee; empty if swap_method is setprice
result.total_feesarray of ExtendedFeeInfo objectseach element is a sum of fees required to be paid from user's balance of corresponding ExtendedFeeInfo.coin; the elements are unique by coin

Where the ExtendedFeeInfo has

coinstringthe fee is paid from the user's balance of this coin. This coin name may differ from the base or rel coins. For example, ERC20 fees are paid by ETH (gas)
amountstring (numeric)fee amount (in decimal representation)
amount_ratrationalfee amount (in rational representation)
amount_fractionfractionfee amount (in fraction representation)
paid_from_trading_volbooleanIf true, fees are deducted from the payment amount for the spend/refund UTXO HTLC transaction. If false, fees are not deducted from the traded volume. This is where an additional miner fee is needed to broadcast a swap transaction and/or where gas paid (e.g in ETH for an ERC20 trade) - in this case, user requires a sufficient current ETH balance to cover the fees before they can initiate the swap.

The available balance of the coin is not sufficient to start the swap.

coinstringthe name of the coin which balance is not sufficient
availablestring (numeric)the balance available for swap, including the amount locked by other swaps
requiredstring (numeric)the amount required to start the swap. This amount is necessary but may not be sufficient
locked_by_swapsstring (numeric, optional)the amount locked by other swaps

The available balance of the base coin is not sufficient to pay transaction fees.

For example, ERC20 fees are paid by ETH (gas), and this error type is returned if the ETH coin balance is not sufficient to start the swap.

coinstringthe name of the base coin which balance is not sufficient
availablestring (numeric)the balance available for swap, including the amount locked by other swaps
requiredstring (numeric)the amount required to start the swap. This amount is necessary but may not be sufficient
locked_by_swapsstring (numeric, optional)the amount is locked by other swaps

The specified volume is too low. Required at least threshold.

If the coin field returned in Response is the same as the rel argument in Request, then the base volume threshold can be calculated as follows: base_coin_threshold = rel_vol_threshold / price

coinstringeither base or rel coin specified in Request
volumestring (numeric)the amount the user was willing to trade in coin
thresholdstring (numeric)the volume has not to be less than this amount

The specified coin was not found or is not activated yet.

coinstringeither base or rel coin specified in Request

The specified coin is wallet only and cannot be participated in the swap.

coinstringeither base or rel coin specified in Request

The coin is wallet only and cannot be participated in the swap.


Incorrect use of the param parameter in Request.

paramstringthe name of the parameter in Request
reasonstringthe reason why the parameter is used incorrectly

The specified price is too low.

pricestring (numeric)the price in rel the user was willing to receive per one unit of the base coin
thresholdstring (numeric)the price has not to be less than this amount

The request was failed due to a network error.

(none)stringthe transport error description

The request was failed due to a AtomicDEX API internal error.

(none)stringthe internal error description

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "userpass": "testpsw",
  "method": "trade_preimage",
  "params": {
    "base": "BTC",
    "rel": "DOC",
    "price": "1",
    "volume": "0.1",
    "swap_method": "setprice"
  "id": 0

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "base_coin_fee": {
      "coin": "KMD",
      "amount": "0.00001",
      "amount_fraction": {
        "numer": "1",
        "denom": "100000"
      "amount_rat": [
        [1, [1]],
        [1, [100000]]
      "paid_from_trading_vol": false
    "rel_coin_fee": {
      "coin": "DGB",
      "amount": "0.00030782",
      "amount_fraction": {
        "numer": "15391",
        "denom": "50000000"
      "amount_rat": [
        [1, [15391]],
        [1, [50000000]]
      "paid_from_trading_vol": true
    "volume": "1138.46868712",
    "volume_fraction": {
      "numer": "14230858589",
      "denom": "12500000"
    "volume_rat": [
      [1, [1345956701, 3]],
      [1, [12500000]]
    "total_fees": [
        "coin": "KMD",
        "amount": "0.00001",
        "amount_fraction": {
          "numer": "1",
          "denom": "100000"
        "amount_rat": [
          [1, [1]],
          [1, [100000]]
        "required_balance": "0.00001",
        "required_balance_fraction": {
          "numer": "1",
          "denom": "100000"
        "required_balance_rat": [
          [1, [1]],
          [1, [100000]]
        "coin": "DGB",
        "amount": "0.00030782",
        "amount_fraction": {
          "numer": "15391",
          "denom": "50000000"
        "amount_rat": [
          [1, [15391]],
          [1, [50000000]]
        "required_balance": "0",
        "required_balance_fraction": {
          "numer": "0",
          "denom": "1"
        "required_balance_rat": [
          [0, []],
          [1, [1]]
  "id": 0

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "userpass": "testpsw",
  "method": "trade_preimage",
  "params": {
    "base": "BTC",
    "rel": "DOC",
    "price": "1",
    "volume": "0.1",
    "swap_method": "buy"
  "id": 0

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "base_coin_fee": {
      "amount": "0.00042049",
      "amount_fraction": {
        "denom": "100000000",
        "numer": "42049"
      "amount_rat": [
        [1, [42049]],
        [1, [100000000]]
      "coin": "BTC",
      "paid_from_trading_vol": true
    "rel_coin_fee": {
      "amount": "0.0001",
      "amount_fraction": {
        "denom": "10000",
        "numer": "1"
      "amount_rat": [
        [1, [1]],
        [1, [10000]]
      "coin": "DOC",
      "paid_from_trading_vol": false
    "taker_fee": {
      "amount": "0.00012870012870012872",
      "amount_fraction": {
        "denom": "7770",
        "numer": "1"
      "amount_rat": [
        [1, [1]],
        [1, [7770]]
      "coin": "DOC",
      "paid_from_trading_vol": false
    "fee_to_send_taker_fee": {
      "amount": "0.0001",
      "amount_fraction": {
        "denom": "10000",
        "numer": "1"
      "amount_rat": [
        [1, [1]],
        [1, [10000]]
      "coin": "DOC",
      "paid_from_trading_vol": false
    "total_fees": [
        "coin": "DOC",
        "amount": "0.001307001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287",
        "amount_fraction": {
          "numer": "50777",
          "denom": "38850000"
        "amount_rat": [
          [1, [50777]],
          [1, [38850000]]
        "required_balance": "0.001307001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287001287",
        "required_balance_fraction": {
          "numer": "50777",
          "denom": "38850000"
        "required_balance_rat": [
          [1, [50777]],
          [1, [38850000]]
        "coin": "tBTC",
        "amount": "0.00042049",
        "amount_fraction": {
          "denom": "100000000",
          "numer": "42049"
        "amount_rat": [
          [1, [42049]],
          [1, [100000000]]
        "required_balance": "0",
        "required_balance_fraction": {
          "numer": "0",
          "denom": "1"
        "required_balance_rat": [
          [0, []],
          [1, [1]]
  "id": 0

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "userpass": "testpsw",
  "method": "trade_preimage",
  "params": {
    "base": "BTC",
    "rel": "DOC",
    "price": "1",
    "volume": "2.21363478",
    "swap_method": "sell"
  "id": 0

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "base_coin_fee": {
      "amount": "0.00042049",
      "amount_fraction": {
        "denom": "100000000",
        "numer": "42049"
      "amount_rat": [
        [1, [42049]],
        [1, [100000000]]
      "coin": "BTC",
      "paid_from_trading_vol": false
    "rel_coin_fee": {
      "coin": "DOC",
      "amount": "0.00001",
      "amount_fraction": {
        "numer": "1",
        "denom": "100000"
      "amount_rat": [
        [1, [1]],
        [1, [100000]]
      "paid_from_trading_vol": true
    "taker_fee": {
      "amount": "0.0028489508108108107",
      "amount_fraction": {
        "denom": "1850000000",
        "numer": "5270559"
      "amount_rat": [
        [1, [5270559]],
        [1, [1850000000]]
      "coin": "BTC",
      "paid_from_trading_vol": false
    "fee_to_send_taker_fee": {
      "amount": "0.00033219",
      "amount_fraction": {
        "denom": "100000000",
        "numer": "33219"
      "amount_rat": [
        [1, [33219]],
        [1, [100000000]]
      "coin": "BTC",
      "paid_from_trading_vol": false
    "total_fees": [
        "coin": "DOC",
        "amount": "0.00001",
        "amount_fraction": {
          "numer": "1",
          "denom": "100000"
        "amount_rat": [
          [1, [1]],
          [1, [100000]]
        "required_balance": "0",
        "required_balance_fraction": {
          "numer": "0",
          "denom": "1"
        "required_balance_rat": [
          [0, []],
          [1, [1]]
        "coin": "BTC",
        "amount": "0.0036016308108108106",
        "amount_fraction": {
          "denom": "1850000000",
          "numer": "6663017"
        "amount_rat": [
          [1, [6663017]],
          [1, [1850000000]]
        "required_balance": "0.0036016308108108106",
        "required_balance_fraction": {
          "denom": "1850000000",
          "numer": "6663017"
        "required_balance_rat": [
          [1, [6663017]],
          [1, [1850000000]]
  "id": 0

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "userpass": "testpsw",
  "method": "trade_preimage",
  "params": {
    "base": "BAT",
    "rel": "QC",
    "price": "1",
    "volume": "2.21363478",
    "swap_method": "setprice"
  "id": 0

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "base_coin_fee": {
      "amount": "0.0045",
      "amount_fraction": {
        "denom": "2000",
        "numer": "9"
      "amount_rat": [
        [1, [9]],
        [1, [2000]]
      "coin": "ETH",
      "paid_from_trading_vol": false
    "rel_coin_fee": {
      "amount": "0.00325",
      "amount_fraction": {
        "denom": "4000",
        "numer": "13"
      "amount_rat": [
        [0, [13]],
        [1, [4000]]
      "coin": "QTUM",
      "paid_from_trading_vol": false
    "total_fees": [
        "amount": "0.003",
        "amount_fraction": {
          "denom": "1000",
          "numer": "3"
        "amount_rat": [
          [1, [3]],
          [1, [1000]]
        "required_balance": "0.003",
        "required_balance_fraction": {
          "denom": "1000",
          "numer": "3"
        "required_balance_rat": [
          [1, [3]],
          [1, [1000]]
        "coin": "ETH"
        "amount": "0.00325",
        "amount_fraction": {
          "denom": "4000",
          "numer": "13"
        "amount_rat": [
          [0, [13]],
          [1, [4000]]
        "required_balance": "0.00325",
        "required_balance_fraction": {
          "denom": "4000",
          "numer": "13"
        "required_balance_rat": [
          [0, [13]],
          [1, [4000]]
        "coin": "QTUM"
  "id": 0

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "error": "Not enough BTC for swap: available 0.000015, required at least 0.10012, locked by swaps None",
  "error_path": "maker_swap",
  "error_trace": "maker_swap:1540] maker_swap:1641]",
  "error_type": "NotSufficientBalance",
  "error_data": {
    "coin": "BTC",
    "available": "0.000015",
    "required": "0.10012",
    "locked_by_swaps": "0"
  "id": 0

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "error": "The volume 0.00001 of the DOC coin less than minimum transaction amount 0.0001",
  "error_path": "maker_swap",
  "error_trace": "maker_swap:1599]",
  "error_type": "VolumeTooLow",
  "error_data": {
    "coin": "DOC",
    "volume": "0.00001",
    "threshold": "0.0001"
  "id": 0

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "error": "Transport error: JsonRpcError { client_info: 'coin: tBTC', request: JsonRpcRequest { jsonrpc: '2.0', id: '31', method: 'blockchain.estimatefee', params: [Number(1), String('ECONOMICAL')] }, error: Transport('rpc_clients:1237] rpc_clients:1239] ['rpc_clients:2047] common:1385] future timed out']') }",
  "error_path": "taker_swap.utxo_common",
  "error_trace": "taker_swap:1599] utxo_common:1990] utxo_common:166]",
  "error_type": "Transport",
  "error_data": "JsonRpcError { client_info: 'coin: tBTC', request: JsonRpcRequest { jsonrpc: '2.0', id: '31', method: 'blockchain.estimatefee', params: [Number(1), String('ECONOMICAL')] }, error: Transport('rpc_clients:1237] rpc_clients:1239] ['rpc_clients:2047] common:1385] future timed out']') }",
  "id": 0

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "error": "Incorrect use of the 'max' parameter: 'max' cannot be used with 'sell' or 'buy' method",
  "error_path": "taker_swap",
  "error_trace": "taker_swap:1602]",
  "error_type": "InvalidParam",
  "error_data": {
    "param": "max",
    "reason": "'max' cannot be used with 'sell' or 'buy' method"
  "id": 0